
Monday, 9 March 2015

Theodore - 8 week update

Theodore has been earth bound for 8 weeks as of 8th March! The past 8 weeks have absolutely flown by but they have been the happiest 8 weeks of my whole life. 

Theodore weighed in at 11lb13oz at his last visit to baby clinic. This wasn't a particularly happy visit for me as the health visitor I saw wasn't particularly supportive. She questioned me over Theodore's feeding routines and latch as he has dropped from the 91st to the 50th centile. This sent me into a worrying frenzy, she really made me feel like I was letting Theodore down. However, after speaking to many wonderful mumma's who also breastfeed and also a woman from the breastfeeding team, I feel much happier now. The breastfeeding team reassured me that too much emphasis is put on centiles and numbers when in actual fact, they don't apply very well to breastfed children. I only need to look at my boy to know he is thriving, happy and healthy. 

Theodore is now sleeping for much longer stretches at night. He has always been great, doing 3/4 hour stretches from birth but he will now sleep from around 10/11pm until anywhere between 5-8:30am! He then wakes for a feed and will sleep another hour or two before waking for the day. Theodore will only have one more substantial nap after this, he will sleep for up to an hour at around 12 but after that, 10 minute power naps are his game! 
He feeds every 2 hours in the day time which is okay because he much more efficient at feeding now and is usually only on the breast for up to 20 minutes at a time. 
At around 7:30pm Theodore has his bath and then I will massage him before dressing him for bed. We then go up to bed and Theodore will cluster feed for about an hour to an hour and a half before falling to sleep for the night.

Theodore is the most smiley baby I've ever known, his smile is infectious and there's nothing more I love seeing than his happy face everyday! He coo's sometimes as he smiles but it hasn't progressed into a giggle yet!
He has begun to coo and 'talk back' when you talk to him, especially when he's upset, it's like he's trying to tell you what's wrong, bless him. 
Theodore has been very physically strong from birth (definitely doesn't take after me on that one) and alongside having wonderful head control and neck strength, he has now mastered rolling from tummy to back! 

Likes and dislikes

- he loves bath time and me and Tom cannot wait to take him to swimming class. 
- he loves to be held up in the air, he smiles so much when you do this. 
- and obviously, he loves booby milk. 
- he hates being held like a newborn unless he's tired..and then he still fights it at first 
- he hates swaddling. He loves his arms to be free. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a strong little boy :) Megan was rolling at this age - she crawled at 6 months and 2 days, pulled herself to standing the same day she started crawling, and walked at 9 months. So, be prepared for that!
