
Saturday, 10 October 2015

8 month update!

This is getting ridiculous now, it's the night before his nine month birthday and here is his eight month update. My pre baby self would be disgusted with this behaviour. My post baby self is impressed I've found the time to do it in time at all. I think I like my post pregnancy self. 

Theodore is now settling well into the routine of me being back to work, he leaves me in the morning with the tiniest of waves and the biggest kiss and greets me with a frantic body scramble to get to me and a smile that just completely melts my heart. He has now begun to sleep through most nights, going 6:30-5:30, sometimes longer. The 5:30 wake ups are not the easiest but I'm counting my lucky stars that his sleep seems to improving. Theodore is having around 2 naps per day sometimes 3 since he has become increasingly more mobile (the boy can crawl lightening fast) and is still feeding 2 hourly through the day when he is with me. 

Theodore was weighed just after he turned 8 months and weighed 21lb12oz! Another 15oz gain in 4 weeks. He's settled back on the centile he was born on; the 91st. Theodore has been eating more actual meals rather than separate ingredients this month, in particular he has enjoyed spaghetti bolognese, fish pie and sausage casserole! I'm so proud of his achievements with baby led weaning. 


- Not one to be content with learning to crawl, Theodore can now stand alone for up to 20 seconds at a time. He's a little daredevil. 

- Theodore can now wave and waves each time you say "say bye bye".

- Theodore is copying lots and lots of words now! He loves to copy 'hiya', 'mama', 'dads' and 'rawr'

- Theodore also had his first experience with gloop this month! I think it confused him lots but really enjoyed grabbing it and trying to catch it if I dripped it over his head. It was so lovely for him to have done it with his cousins. 

Here are some pictures from Teddy's 8 month earthside!..

Tesco trips with mummy and daddy are fun!
Mummy and daddy bought my first Christmas present! 
We're in a band
I love visiting the sensory room at mummy's work!
This leaf was the absolute best
Bath times with mum mean boobs. 
I love swimming lessons!
Dancing to lady gaga is exhausting stuff 
Oh mum you're so funny 
I really do hate Waybuloo 
We went to Pizza Hut and they made me eat salad

I am seriously unimpressed with this snapchat business 
I went to my Uncle's wedding!

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