
Tuesday, 7 July 2015

A rather late 5 month update..

Well, this is something I have literally left until the last minute. I completely forgot. Between teething, a whole lot of bad sleeps and weaning, I think I may have forgotten my own name some days! So with only 4 sleeps until his 6 month birthday, I am finally getting round to updating you all (if all is a suitable word, I'm unsure how many people actually read these) on Theodore's 5 months on the planet :)

Theodore was weighed on his 5 month birthday and was 16lb7oz. He had maintained his place on the 50th centile and the HV was very pleased, (not that it would have fussed me if she wasn't, HV's are not oracles after all). There was a nutritionist at the clinic that day so I took the opportunity to speak with her about BLW, I told her that Theodore had been having purée but has begun to take the spoon and wanting to feed himself. I explained that we had given him some quite soft solids on a few occasions and she told us that we should basically ditch the purée and get moving with BLW. It was lovely to speak to an actual professional who did preach about waiting until 6 months, she actually said that a magic switch doesn't turn on when they reach 6 months and that a mother knows best. Theodore was weighed again at 5 months and 3 weeks and had gained a whopping 1lb7oz, weighing in at 17lb13oz!! He is now resting between the 50th and 75th centile and is only 15oz away from doubling his both weight!

Theodore has definitely been in the process of dropping a nap this month. He was having 3/4 naps per day of about 20-60 minutes each time at 4 months. He now only has 4 on rare occasions and has even gone days with only 2 naps. His morning nap at around 9/10am is his favourite and longest nap and I don't think he wants to drop that anytime soon, he will usually sleep for an hour at this time and he also doesn't seem to want to drop his last nap around 3/4pm which is a relatively short nap, usually around 20-30 minutes long. How he spends his time in between these naps differs each day. If we go out or visit people he will usually not have a nap between these two, he is very nosey and doesn't want to miss anything but if we have a lazy day, he will whinge for 1 or 2 extra naps. I think this must come down to boredom, even though we play a lot even when we are home and i never leave him unstimualted. He is very much a people person and definitely prefers being around more people. He is still breastfeeding around every 2 hours during the day and is also having 3 meals a day. His night sleeps are inconsistent, he was a wonderful sleeper when he was a newborn, he was doing 5hr stretches almost straight away but the past month or so have not been anywhere near that wonderful. Leap 5 plus teething plus the unbearable heat have meant that a lot of my nights have been an every 2 hours kind of night, sometimes every hour. A good night these days consists of him sleeping 7-12am, 12:30am-3:00am 3:30am-6am and then 6:30am-7:30am. This means a lot of broken up sleep for the both of us! We have had 1 or 2 nights of 7pm-3am, 3:30am-8am which were amazing but very few and far between! Multivitamins and iron tablets have been a must as I am anaemic and so my body doesn't cope too well with a lack of sleep. Theodore however, doesn't seem fussed at all. 

As he turned 5 months old, we started Theodore on solids and he took to them right away! We started him with toast, banana, avocado and other quite soft finger foods and he was taking them all to his mouth with great accuracy and even started a chewing motion straight away. I was so proud! We have since introduced many different things, he loves vegetables and quorn products. His absolute favourites are sweet potato fries, quorn chicken and strawberries. We are loving this new chapter, even the mess! As my mum always said to me, "a messy baby is a happy baby!". 


- Theodore sat up for the first time this month! He can now sit up for 20 seconds  at a time before toppling and we practise every day to help him with his balance as that is the only thing holding him back at the moment!

- Theodore cut his first tooth! It's been a long time coming and I'm so excited for all the toothy grins. 

- Theodore is desperately trying to crawl and can manoeuvre himself round in circles and can also pull himself along if he is on a soft surface like a bed or a blanket to get what he wants. This means he can also get himself out of the moulded seat in his bath! 

This month we also celebrated Theodores daddy's first Father's Day! It was a lovely day together and I'm so happy that we made it a special day! Theodore did a painting for his dad and we framed it and it was definitely his favourite present!

The past 5 months have been the best of my life! This boy continues to amaze me every day and I can't wait to watch him continue to grow and develop. I am so so blessed! 


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