
Thursday, 6 August 2015

6 month update! (Again a little late)

I'll start by saying that I'm not as late as last time posting this. It's a small margin but I'll take every victory I can. I wrote Theodore's 5 month update 4 days before his half year birthday and I'm writing his 6 month update 5 days before his 7 month birthday. As I said, small victories. 
This has been a month of many new things and many changes in my tiny human. It has been, without doubt, my favourite month of his life so far. 

We left a 4 week gap between getting weighed this time so that Tom could come along too as he started his summer leave from work at the end of July. Theodore weighed 17lb13oz at his last check up and weighed 19lb14oz at his latest check up! That is a massive gain of 2lb1oz in 4 weeks. There is literally no stopping this boy, it's almost as if he's determined to get back to that 91st centile he was born on. He's now settled nicely between the 75th and 91st. This also means that he doubled his birth weight (when he reached 18lb12oz) sometime in those 4 weeks. The health visitor was over the moon with Theodore, she said he is hitting some 9 month milestones and was impressed with how well he has took to BLW. Now Theodore is 6 months I'm going to only take him every 4-6 weeks to be weighed, I return to work September 1st and will only be able to take him in half terms. 

Teddy is still breastfeeding and will feed around every 2-2.5 hours during the day. On days when teething is making him very grouchy (and making me want to curl up in a foetal position and cry) the boob has been used a lot more often as a source of comfort. Anything for a tiny bit of peace eh? Nap times are very erratic at the moment, Theodore will nap as and when he likes. If we are out and about he will fight sleep until he has no fight left and he crashes, however, if we are at home, he will nap more routinely. At the most, Theodore will take 3 naps a day, his morning nap being the longest, usually lasting around an hour and his other naps lasting up to 30 minutes. He goes to bed for the night at 6pm after his bath. I still feed Theodore to sleep (yes I know, bad mum, slap on the hand etc) but I'm okay with it, more than okay with it, that is our time to wind down together and, especially with me returning to work soon, I don't think either of us are ready to give that time up. On a good night Theodore will then sleep through until around 3 before wanting a feed, he will wake up sporadically either needing his dummy or a comforting back stroke but I try not to offer a feed until at least 2/3am and Theodore seems happy to not be fed before this time. Teddy is still eating 3 meals a day and we have no problems to report on that front (little piggy). 

As I mentioned above, Theodore is eating and enjoying 3 meals a day. He will eat just about anything and he is just loving trying new tastes and textures. New foods for this month have been beetroot (curtosey of Tom, the mess was horrendous but Theodore loved it), mushroom, bacon, fromage frais, kiwi and peach! Peach is a firm favourite. 

- Theodore cut his first tooth last month and he now has 3!! He cut the second tooth within a week of the first and just 2 weeks later, number 3 cut. (Nipple biting has begun and we are not amused, how the hell do I stop him doing that?!?!)

- He is so close to crawling! He's up on all floors and doing lots of rocking but is still only moving by pulling himself along. 

- He has begun to play games! He loves to hide himself away and then pop back up. He gets so excited when you pretend to look for him. 

Our month!
We have had lots of fun this month. We spent a week at my mums which Theodore loved! He adores my mum and my brother and sister and I think he enjoyed the change of scenery! Also, Tom has been off work and we've been having a lot of family time! We have made edible paints, had trips to the park, bought a ball pool and had a lovely day out at the aquarium where Teddy was spoiled by Tom. Speaking of spoiled, Tom also stocked his 6-9m wardrobe at Mothercare too. Theodore seems to have grown so much this month, he has such a cheeky personality and is definitely a boisterous little boy but he also has a little loveable side. Here is a selection of pictures from our month..

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